Consumer Reports : UX/UI/User Research


Senior UX Designer


• E-commerce function optimization
• User flow optimization


• User Research

• User Flow

• Low-fidelity Wireframes
• High-fidelity Prototypes

A well-known consumer product review organization was struggling to bring new members in with their low conversion rates. I was brought in as a contractor to review their user flow and the causes of low conversion rates.

Stage 1
I familiarized myself with their target audience, characteristics,
and browsing/spending habits by going through their
research data and findings. I requested to have a meeting
with their analytics and SEO teams.

I set up several scenarios and started to test and analyze the
flow. In this period, finding causes of drop-outs, and bottlenecking
were the main goals.

Stage 2
After the initial diagnostic work was done, I came up with hypotheses to build a case for redesigning the user flow. Parallel to this process, I used competitive analysis research provided by the marketing team to rationalize the direction of my ideas/concepts.

Analysis, Comparison, and Planning
I forged my ideas on how to come up with the new user flow to reach their business goal: increasing opt-ins. At this stage, I had a meeting with their Dev team to clear all of my technology-related questions.

Stage 3

Prototyping and Testing

In this particular case, the client wanted to have the wireframes and the prototype at the same location/platform. The Sketch cloud was used throughout the process.

Feedback and Revisit
We reviewed feedback with the marketing and analytics team to find places that can be improved. We found that many participants found font sizes were too small for them to read comfortably. We made adjustments accordingly.

Version A (annual) soundly did better than the control (grid) by 9.71%, and version B (monthly) by 1.95% in revenue per visit. Also, the confidence levels increased to 99%+.